
Showing posts from October, 2018

Game Design Document

For this week we had to come up with a GDD, or a game design document. This is basically the Bible for all those working on you're project and can change but is mostly concrete as to be nailed down first time perfect. Game GDD Fighting Game Terminology Link Here In my GDD I went in on the basics on the game, from genre and game play to UI, Including the main-character and how the sound would be used and designed. Some ideas I have on GDD's is to be upfront with details as there's no point in hiding details form those who would be working on the same project or for those who might want to invest in the game. Link Here  to my GDD

Working with Unity Tutorial 5

In this weeks batch of tutorials we would be looking at a dynamic hud, weapons layering, clipping and animation. Unity3D Logo Unity 3d Logos Link Here Firstly, we worked on a dynamic hud that would appear when looking at an object or doing something; for this example it would be displaying text below our cursor when we were near the gem we made earlier. I found this really interesting to do as working on the hud opens up a lot of possibilities into how a mechanic could work. This also inspired me to think of more ways to implement this into my project as a dynamic hud can change how a game is played out then one without one. Moving on towards weapons. In this we had to import a weapon file and move it to an appropriate place then animate it for it to swing. This was really fun to do as working with and helps you get use to it and learning like this can help in the long run. As I followed along with the video, something stuck out to me, I just created a object in Unity without u...

Reading about Games GDD

For this week we'll be reading up on the iterative process of initial design. Design choice Network topology design consideration Link Here In this post about the early stages of design process , I found it helpful and slightly interesting as the post suggests to keep copies and a permanent of all your ideas, mechanics stories and everything else that you think up when designing a project. Another is to jot down critiques about games and what words and doesn't work as this can help you plan ahead and help avoid you replicating the mistakes other people have done. Continuing on with reading the post tells me that I can't reduce the time of designing the game rules; I can get behind this as who would want to skip over the foundation of your game as this can leave gaps and mistakes that could potentially ruin you games mechanics and affect its aesthetics. Another article I have read up on is Design Considerations,  It uses physical games like board games to give an ex...

Game Vision Statement

Introduction : [Redacted] is a first person fighting game for the PC that uses intuitive melee combat system with blocks, parries and combos in a world where your strength is all you've got to live in this near post-apocalyptic world of combat. First-Person Game Virtual Fighting Champion Link Here Description : When you step into this world you will have to fight to survive in a place where a persons strength is all that matters. From moving and interacting with the world to engaging on 1 vs 1 and many against you battles to prove that you are here to stay. By fighting you will learn how to use moves and when best to engage an opponent and execute combos to win fights. And by exploring you will learn different moves to use and unlock more throughout the game.  In this you could bait out an attack from your opponent and then punish by executing a devastating combo to make him remember not to mess with you. Another could be you engaging then doing a feint but being caught ou...

Unity Tutorial 3

After following along and building alongside the tutorial I feel that I can give my thoughts on it. The Beginning of the tutorial begins with us building a clock. After building the clocks face, we moved on to creating the hour marks on the clock. I found it informative and useful, as shown in the tutorial, to first build the mark, set that one up perfectly and then duplicate it and rotate it 30* on the Y axis. This will come in handy if I need to do some symmetry work on a round object in my game. I also found it informative to keep everything under a parent block as a child to said item, it keeps everything neat and also displays how everything fits together and works when combined with a C# script, like later in the tutorial. Clock Clock asset - asset store Link Here Now came the tricky bit, (I know its given to us but I still find the way the scripts to be written to be confusing) now we have to create a C# script to tell our recently created hour, minute and second han...

Games MDA reading

For this session I went about reading up on some MDA articles and posts(Mechanics, Dynamics, Aesthetics) and tried to understand the process of a developer on how to make a game compelling and 'fun' to play. Link Here Here is what I found the most interesting and useful MDA's are the formal way of approaching game design and research, these are usually displayed in the way of how rules dictate the way in which you play, how the system responds accordingly to you using the rules and how the 'fun' is displayed and had. This is the layman's terms of MDA. The mechanics dictate how the game is played, dynamics is how the game responds and aesthetics is how the game looks to have fun. I found this eye opening and very informative into how a game should be thought out and displayed in word form. This is also a formal language and can be taken in anyway possible to see how abstract your ideas can be. The 'fun' to be had can be divided into genres so to spe...

Feedback Strategies

Given how feedback is important, I've done some reading on feedback and how I show always reflect on what I've done with a positive outlook. Feedback Giving and Receiving Feedback Link here In this first article called, 'Be a Mirror: Give Readers Feedback that Foster a Growth Mindset' . In this article, It talks about how to give critical feedback and give it so without judgement. It then goes into depth on how to be critical. One I find very useful is 'to be specific'. As being specific on what did and didn't work in lets say a project about designing a game. Being able to 'focus' on this is a good thing and brings a different method of looking at how to handle a problem. A post I found funny and informative is called, 'How to give feedback without sounding like a Jerk'. In this article goes on about, like a story, how a employee give feedback to a CEO. Which in of itself is a BIG step in a job. A feedback option is to avoid positi...

Game Idea Research

For this research I would like to base it on one of my previous game ideas form one of the previous blog posts. This Idea would be my First-person Fighting game. Game Mechanics When game developers drop the ball Link Here A game mechanic I could like to delve into would be how to enhance the fighting combat in the game. This Idea is slow-motion; being able to move and attack on your accord and in anyway you'd like. I got this idea from being inspired by another game called 'Super Hot' . This game was first built on the Unity engine as well, which entices me more on how to do it. It later got enhanced by the group making they're own engine for the games final release; It even got ported to VR and was a huge success. I wanted to do this mechanic because in 'Super Hot', the slow-motion mechanic is mainly based on the gun mechanics and the ability to throw items around at enemies. I want to use it in my own way so that the slow-motion is used to move around e...

Review of Unity Tutorial 02

After Following along with the tutorials, I can give some feedback on what I found easy, difficult or interesting. Unity3D Unity 3D gets a second wind Link  Here When I was going along with the tutorial, like before, I found using C# Scripts difficult and confusing to work with as its similar to HTML, in the aspect of coding something to follow some rules and execute in a certain way, but working forward then backwards to do something like making the gem we made from the previous tutorial to rotate and in this one we had to make in 'ding' and disappear. It will take some time to adjust to the way the programming works and implementing it into the game.  I also enjoyed how there are a ton of tools within each tool in the assets built into the engine. What I found fun and interesting was messing around with placing walls and how they interact with the other terrain. Also working with the cursor and setting up the ray-casting to measure distance opens my mind up to the com...

Language of Game Elements

After browsing the readings about Game Design Language and understanding the point of this in relation for our projects I decided to give some opinions on this topic. Learning Game Design and Game Elements The Knowledge Guru Link  Here After reading the feature called  "Formal Abstract Design Tools"  it became clear that we, as in us gamer's and developers don't really have a language to describe games other than 'good or 'that was interesting'. This is shown in the post an is questioned and represented to us as a thing we should solve.I found this interesting as from what I've seen and experienced, I've never really felt that we had a deep 'formal' way of properly communicating to talk about games and their design. In a way we just talk about the way the games play or look but never but these two together On the second page of this  Feature , we go further into depth about this and I feel that we could be onto something here. We ca...

Looking at some Feedback Thoughts.

In this exercise I found two articles that can work for people how have some confidence issues or a self-critical brain. Self-Worth Self-worth, Self-esteem, Self-love Link  Here One of these is  'A Simple 5-Second Habit to Rewire Your Harshly Self-Critical Brain' After reading, think made me think about time I too thought I wasn't getting anywhere and that my learning abilities were being stunted by something. It also made me think of how I am now and to see if I can change myself for the better. The article goes about how you should treat your setbacks as nothing but temporary moments and nothing else. This is some good advice and can be used in any instance as the article depicts losing weight as an achievement of will power and keeping a promise to yourself. This leaves no room for looking down on yourself as you see it as a small victory time to progress. Another is  'Why Rejection Hurts so Much' This article describes how rejection can take place in ma...

Game Brainstorm For Project

Astronaut Photo Gateway to astronaut photography of earth link  Here Game 1: 3D First-person fighting game. I chose this type of game because I was inspired by games like 'For Honor',  Who have a very detailed way of handling melee combat as there are parries, blocking and counter-attacking in a fluid way that is realistic; It connects the player to the combat so they feel like they are in control and fight in a realistic manner, planning out moves, figuring out how its best to handle a player using a different class and if its worth it to fight them in the first place.  I want to try and replicate this in my games put from a first person perspective, as 'F or Honor', is a third person game. I feel that you would feel even more connected to the fight if you could see it 'through you're own eyes', so to speak. I'd like to learn how to create a great feeling in a game, how to make you feel that that you can put yourself into a game and still feel l...

Opinion on Unity Tutorial 1

A fter following through with the Unity tutorials and having a bit of fun messing around with some of the controls, I've decided to give an opinion on the tutorial videos I used. Links  Here ,  Here  and  Here . Unity3D Logo Unity3D Game Developer Course Bundle MacTrast Deals Link  Here As I'm completely new to Unity, mostly everything I saw in the videos was new and from following along it became fun and enjoyable to mess around with. The first video went about starting up unity and going over some of the basic tools, like the terrain tool and how to insert assets like 3-D and 2-D shapes.  This came in handy while following along as figuring this out on your own would have taken a while. The Unity engine was really easy to set up and import assets for as shown in the videos and its very intuitive when choosing how you want the work space to look like. I really enjoyed how it felt to actually use a game engine where as my younger self would only dre...

Thoughts and Notes on Reading about Game Design

A fter spending some time looking over some the articles and websites about game design, I can safely say that these where really interesting, without a doubt. While some where actual speeches like "Don't be a Vidiot" by  Greg Costikyan link  Here ,  About how game designers can learn from non-electronic games by looking at how the rules and how the game is presented. Stuff like this is really interesting as it can give us pointers on what and what not to do. Life is a game, This is your strategy guide by Oliver Emberton Link  Here One I found interesting was called "Pull the plug: In defense of non-digital teaching and learning" Link  Here   as it was about how new game developers/ students should use non-electrical games to teach ourselves about how we can build a game from a simple concept; Like a pack of cards, there isn't a game specifically there until rules are introduced and messing with these rules can lead to a prototype of a game...