Unity Tutorial 3

After following along and building alongside the tutorial I feel that I can give my thoughts on it.

The Beginning of the tutorial begins with us building a clock. After building the clocks face, we moved on to creating the hour marks on the clock. I found it informative and useful, as shown in the tutorial, to first build the mark, set that one up perfectly and then duplicate it and rotate it 30* on the Y axis. This will come in handy if I need to do some symmetry work on a round object in my game. I also found it informative to keep everything under a parent block as a child to said item, it keeps everything neat and also displays how everything fits together and works when combined with a C# script, like later in the tutorial.
Clock asset - asset store
Link Here

Now came the tricky bit, (I know its given to us but I still find the way the scripts to be written to be confusing) now we have to create a C# script to tell our recently created hour, minute and second hands to move. Luckily there is a built in mechanic for the clock all we have to do is define what we want to happen in the script.
First we make the hands visible and then we make sure it reading our system time and not the time of the play session (But we can totally do that), afterwards we give them a rotation so when the seconds hand hits 12 the minute hand will move and so on.
This part of the tutorial was really confusing to rap my head around as the language used in these is kind of backwards then forwards then backwards again, really annoying stuff. Now we set the clock to continuously rotate after syncing up with the current time by changing Awake to Update, meaning the clock will update its self as long as we are in play mode and then we change and duplicate our Update code lines and change them to Update continuous and Update Discrete. Have I lost you?, I lost myself reading this. Anyway, after all this hard work, our clock now move in time in the real wold.

Overall I liked this tutorial, It was challenging and gave some huge insight into how C# scripts function and how they interact with objects in the scene we've created.


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