Game Brainstorm For Project

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Game 1: 3D First-person fighting game.
I chose this type of game because I was inspired by games like 'For Honor', Who have a very detailed way of handling melee combat as there are parries, blocking and counter-attacking in a fluid way that is realistic; It connects the player to the combat so they feel like they are in control and fight in a realistic manner, planning out moves, figuring out how its best to handle a player using a different class and if its worth it to fight them in the first place.

 I want to try and replicate this in my games put from a first person perspective, as 'For Honor', is a third person game. I feel that you would feel even more connected to the fight if you could see it 'through you're own eyes', so to speak. I'd like to learn how to create a great feeling in a game, how to make you feel that that you can put yourself into a game and still feel like you're in a game.
 I might start tackling this by trying to make a satisfying combat system where your moves feel like they carry weight and power instead of just show showing a boring animation play out. I might also like to get the speed down as well as this is important in a fighting game.

 If its too fast it can feel to light and can just spam moves. If its too slow then the game play will feel to clunky and not be interesting enough to keep your attention.
 'Overgrowth' is a game that I feel has the weight of combat down as a simple move could end your run short or can chain into an amazing move. The fights are fast but can carry on for a while if matched against an equally skilled player. This is the type of game I want to replicate in my own way. Movement and game mechanics are more often remembered than that of a boring game putting everything into a story.

Game 2: 3D First-person platforming / game.
I chose this genre of game as I don't really see done well in my opinion. Yes there are some games with platforming segments and 'Assassins Creed' does have parkour in it as a feature but I want to focus on the movement and flow of getting a mission done in a fun way. I was inspired by games like 'Mirrors Edge' to handle this type of movement. The way they handle the act of simply running from point A to B in a fast and stylistic fashion is truly fascinating.

I want to try and handle this in my game by replicating how you move from one place to another in as fast and as rhythmic as possible to make it satisfying of simply moving. I wanted to this because after messing around with the first person controller I found it really fun just to run around and jump from ledge to ledge I created to see what it was like on the fly. It was also interesting to make a little course to run around and make some cool 'parkour' moves. I want this system to make sense and to be as fun to use as possible.

There are some games like 'Mirrors Edge Catalyst' that try to replicate and advance on this put they included a combat system on top of the running mechanics and focused on it so makes everything else clunky and not as memorable. That is why the original was better as you can beat the whole game simply by running and I want to create a game around that method and keep that feeling of freedom to do anything with the movement system. I fell that this will be difficult but I can see what I want out of the end of this.

Game 3: 2D platforming looting/ puzzle game.
I chose this type of game as I grew up playing 2D games on the GameBoy and these were some of the most fun games I've played. These games were called 'Metroid-vanias'  as they tried to replicate the style of the game 'Metroid' as this was a highly successful game in the industry on the NES. It became popular as the style of traversing through a level to acquire an item to get another item to backtrack to a area where you couldn't previously go to. This kept the game interesting and promoted rechecking old areas to find secrets or ways to progress in the game.

I want to handle this by trying to create a real feeling world but keep it as fun as possible. A good way of doing this is by trying to create my own 'Metroid-vania'. This opens the way to multiple ways to creating a game in any direction I want. This can either be mainly focused on the combat like 'Transistor' is a sense where you can augment your moves to have different properties and change the flow of combat. Another is the focus on the adventure, This is done in most games as its part of the 'Metroid-vania' recipe but some only chose to do adventure like in 'Ori and the Blind Forest' where the adventure and the story are key.

I feel that this is up for debate and which one I would feel more confident in doing as  both have their own advantages in making the game and equally challenging me to make them. I'm not certain I can perfectly blend both aspects of combat and adventure so I'll most likely be spending most of my time, If I do this project, on focusing on one aspect of the recipe.

Game 4: 3D third-person adventure game.
In this project I'd be making a game based off of basic exploration in a 3D space, similar to how games do open world and try to keep people playing by offering challenges and different locals to explore like deserts to mountain ranges to the middle of the ocean in some cases. I'm not to keen on this Idea as it will be detailed but will fall in comparison to one of the best games ever.'The Legend Of Zelda: Breath of the Wild'. This game perfected everything from its genre to working over everything else from its previous installments. From a 2D way of showing the game to a 3D way of thinking and exploring on the combat to make it more expansive.

If I went about this I would focus on the combat side of things as it can be taken in any direction due to how the Unity engine in built. It gives a lot of wiggle room in how weapons can work and function with other game mechanics like player gravity or speed of instance.


  1. Hi Shane. I liked reading your blog it is really well written and entertaining. I think you have some really good ideas for your game, I especially like the first one as I really enjoyed "For Honour" when it came out, it had a nice change in tempo from games I was used to and really enjoyable. I also like you last idea about an open world game based on combat, I feel like a lot of great games have taken this choice and they have turned out really well made and fun. Good Luck!


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