Unity Free Tutorials of Choice
In this weeks unity tutorial we're going to going about our own chosen tutorials. These would be the ones that I will be referring to when I'm in need of a kick start into my project.
This first tutorial I have chosen is about character animations and how to show different idle animations and to create one when my character is moving. We first start off by being shown the Unity store because in there, there are lots of free models with pre-built meshes that can be manipulated straight away. Next we move onto using the animation window in Unity. We've already used this before but here we see it used to give a waving animation. This is interesting as it can give us a good grasp on what we can do with these characters and opens up the possibilities of extending this into aspects of the game; like a cutscene
In the second tutorial, We learn about hit detection, more importantly, in the context of a fighting game which mine is. We've learned about his in the past but with picking items up and hitting trees but not against other characters. Firstly we learn that we used cubes or spheres with their meshes turned off and progress to creating a script. So when the say sphere we've used as our colider hits something that's not itself then it will register a hit. Now in our console log it says we've hit something. From here we can copy and paste the code we've made into the other limbs of character so they to will register a hit. I feel that this will come in handy down the line as I progress because seeing as my game is a fighting game I will need the point of reference for the attack as well as the point where I receive the damage.
Untiy Hit Registration Universal Fighting Engine Link Here |
This first tutorial I have chosen is about character animations and how to show different idle animations and to create one when my character is moving. We first start off by being shown the Unity store because in there, there are lots of free models with pre-built meshes that can be manipulated straight away. Next we move onto using the animation window in Unity. We've already used this before but here we see it used to give a waving animation. This is interesting as it can give us a good grasp on what we can do with these characters and opens up the possibilities of extending this into aspects of the game; like a cutscene
In the second tutorial, We learn about hit detection, more importantly, in the context of a fighting game which mine is. We've learned about his in the past but with picking items up and hitting trees but not against other characters. Firstly we learn that we used cubes or spheres with their meshes turned off and progress to creating a script. So when the say sphere we've used as our colider hits something that's not itself then it will register a hit. Now in our console log it says we've hit something. From here we can copy and paste the code we've made into the other limbs of character so they to will register a hit. I feel that this will come in handy down the line as I progress because seeing as my game is a fighting game I will need the point of reference for the attack as well as the point where I receive the damage.
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