
Showing posts from November, 2018

Reading About Game Stories

In this reading session we'll be talking about if games can be artistic and can we make a game be fun from a mechanical standpoint as well as from a narrative and story point of view. In this article  we talk about what art is and how that art is portrayed. It speaks about six layers of art: Idea/Purpose Form Idiom or genre Structure Craft Surface Story Telling Outside your heaven Link Here These are taken in the literal sense of each word; meaning that each layer describes its 'piece' of art and how its represented in our physical world. These can also be taken in any order you wish but they all link together  to make something. A comic for example; its given form, then you see the surface of it, being the art and lines, and then looking deeper for the story and how its crafted to make it compelling and this leads to a genre and this will head towards a message being portrayed in the comic itself. This can be linked to games as well in near enough the same or

Week 8 Progress

In this quick blog I'll be talking about the state at which I'm in as well as my projects state of development. Looking back I can say that I'm happy with my progress, albeit slow due to my nature of sometimes overdoing things, and can safely say that keep to a routine is helping in this matter. I'm enjoying doing the class assignments as well as pushing on with my project. I really like how the structure of things are done and given in this module and how it leaves a lot of room for interpretation and wiggle room for doing work and keeping on top of what needs to be done first and foremost. I mostly enjoyed doing the unity tutorials as they gave us a look into the game engine we'll be working with and a base on which to work on. A few changes I would like to make for the next semester would be to structure my game better because as of right now the development progress is a bit everywhere , in the sense that when I'm doing something involving the animations

Unity Free Tutorials of Choice

In this weeks unity tutorial we're going to going about our own chosen tutorials. These would be the ones that I will be referring to when I'm in need of a kick start into my project. Untiy Hit Registration Universal Fighting Engine Link Here This first tutorial I have chosen is about character animations and how to show different idle animations and to create one when my character is moving. We first start off by being shown the Unity store because in there, there are lots of free models with pre-built meshes that can be manipulated straight away. Next we move onto using the animation window in Unity. We've already used this before but here we see it used to give a waving animation. This is interesting as it can give us a good grasp on what we can do with these characters and opens up the possibilities of extending this into aspects of the game; like a cutscene In the second tutorial, We learn about hit detection, more importantly, in the context of a fighting ga

Reading about game fun

In this weeks reading, we'll be learning about player fun and how to incorporate it into our project. Game MUD Achaea Worlds leading MUD Link Here In this first article , it describes the fun that the player experiences to be them learning about the game while in a fun flow state. Next it breaks down some of the fun factors into some categories like; Sensation, Fantasy, Narrative, Challenge, Fellowship, Discovery, Expression, Submission. These can be attributed to what a player wants and feels when playing a certain game. Some of these are playing a game on a consistent basis with people you know or how we portray ourselves in said world through our character. This is interesting in the fact that while you think that all games should follow this, its in fact something different. We should focus on the fun that's most appealing to our game and how we want to present that to people who might be interested in playing it. Don't work for all round game, specialize on wha

Final GDD

In This blog I will be talking about how I'm going to implement my project for the rest of the year and finalizing my GDD. Game GDD Zeno Clash Link Here In my GDD I've written up some more points but left some to be desired as I think graphics should come second to mechanics and game flow but should not be forgotten and community feedback would help steer this project into a better direction. To begin with I've already begun on the game itself and am in the midst of placing the codes where I want them. These will set the foundation for what I will be building off of. In the next following weeks I will be moving along with the project by implementing my character and fighting scripts, testing, fixing and changing o better suit the needs of the games flow and aesthetic. During this I will also be giving some basic textures to the terrain as I want to focus most of my time into the game itself and getting the mechanics nailed down first before giving it a lick of pain

Unity Tutorial 5

In this weeks batch of tutorials we'll be looking at sky boxes, wind, fade screens and working with the scene environment. Unity Tutorial Unity: Beginner to Advanced Link Here In the first tutorial  we looked at sky boxes and how we can effect to lighting to fit the sky box. Shown to us is a first glance of the Unity store and picking a sky box asset. from here we can select lighting of the scene and in this menu we can set our new asset as the sky box. Also from here we can change the directional lighting of the whole scene to match it as well. Being able to mess around the the sky box is fun and can lead to a lot of choices into how we want a certain scene to look. Next was wind. This is done by dragging a wind zone into our scene. It can effect things like the tree which are they're own entity but wont work on grass as that is a texture, luckily they have their own wind options where we can effect them at our will. In the wind zone we can change the strength and frequen

Game Flow Theory and Decisions

In this weeks reading exercise we are looking up game decisions and flow theory on what makes a game stand out and what puts players into a 'flow' state where you're 100% into the game. In this first article  we talk about how certain games have decisions that give the player a motive to play; in essence, something that is completely in their control of what to do. An example of some games with minimal decisions in them are gambling games as they generate their fun factor from the chance of winning something. It then goes on to give out tips on what not to do when designing a decision for the games like, not having meaningless decisions as to make each choice a risk in of its own. Here  is when I found the article interesting. The article goes into detail on how to make a good decision on what a good decision should act out like in your game. An example would be having risk versus reward so to give some weight to a decision you make and if it should be chosen in the first