Blog after learning about Growth Mindset

Upon watching and reading along with Carol Dweck, I can understand where she is coming from when talking about a 'Growth Mindset'. She speaks of it as a state of mind but also in the way she words it, it comes off as a localization problem. In a world where there are so many different distractions like social media, especially in younger kids as they see it as a social standing among themselves. She also states some research done into the electrical activity of the young kids when confronting a problem. This is were she loses me to be honest, selecting and categorizing students into groups whether they can solve a problem when first confronted by it, doesn't make sense; like what if the student gave it another go and then became on of the students with the growth mindset. Pre-selection shouldn't come first when deciding on who can solve a problem first.

Excerpt from Carol Dwerck's TED talk
"The Power of believing that you can improve"
Link Here
When watching and reviewing the transcript for Carols video titled "Make challenge the new comfort zone", I feel very detached from what she is saying. Like the previous video, I can see how a growth mindset is responsible for the push you feel when confronted by a challenge and how not a lot of young kids have this but, saying that things that are easy to do shouldn't feel good when we do them is a very far stretch. Making kids feel bad for doing something easy while learning isn't the way to go; When kids have completed a task that was easy they should feel some pride when they do so, so they know they've learned and mastered something that would have been challenging for them ages ago. This is progressing into something challenging for them and then triggering their mindsets, telling them,'Here's a challenge, lets do this, I've learned the easy stuff lets get in to tough work'.


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